Thursday, September 07, 2006

oooh a van just pulled up and took that abandoned car away. Maybe my email worked? Bit of a coincidence if it wasn't that!
Urgh, not having the best day. I've sent two emails to the council and it's only lunchtime. First one was to report an abandoned car that's been parked opposite the house since we woke up on Monday. Thought at first it belonged to the neighbours but today it's had the front passanger window smashed and when I went to check there's no tax disc. Second one was to report that nuisance dog walker who walks her dog on my front garden every day. Emailed the anti-social behaviour unit to see if there's anything they can do if need be. Feel like such a bossy/nosy neighbour but it needs sorting by someone I guess?

Got some coupons for Florida last night, $1 off cappuccino blasts at Baskin Robbins for mum and $5 off a $40+ purchase at Character Warehouse at the LBV Outlets. Also joined the Premium Outlets VIP club so will keep an eye on the guest lounge there for anything useful. Need to check out Florida Mall and Mall at Millennia too.

Gonna go do some scrapping and put Aladdin on now!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

She did brilliantly! My sis says Izzy had a great first day and has enjoyed herself. Apparently what's happened is that the children who were at the school's inbuilt nursery don't start until Thursday, that allows the teacher (Mrs Lewis) to get to know the names of the new kids with a smaller group. Anyway Izzy's really enjoyed herself and that's what really matters.

Jinx just sneezed violently all over Scott - you wouldn't believe how blue the air just turned in the living room!

Today has been quite productive, 3 lots of washing (although two loads only had one item in each - there was a reason to this!) I've also done the ironing, put all the clothes away, reorganised my scrapping storage, scanned two album's worth of photos and completed a scrapbook page with another half done. Spent the afternoon scanning and talking to Karen who isn't very happy. Her moron of an ex-flatmate has put her on the RedWatch so she's now getting harrassing calls from the BNP. She's decided to rig up a microphone by the phone and record the calls - then she plans to put them to dance music and call it "Hate Crime Funk". I think it's pure genius, who can take the BNP seriously when they're ranting along to a funky beat? This is why I love Karen so much. I need to make a mini scrapbook about her but I have practically no photos of her as she always hides from cameras - I'll recify this next month at my birthday party.

I think I shall sign off tonight with a favourite phrase of Karen and mine:

"Horny toads, tiny ceramic gnomes and espionage!!!!"*

*I think you had to be there...

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Well Izzy started school today. Obviously I haven't had much info as she's not home yet but by all accounts this morning went smoothly and she looked adorable in her little uniform (my mum said she was cute with a capital C!) The skirt was down past her knees and the cardigan practically swallowed her whole! Hope she's doing ok.

Monday, September 04, 2006

To be honest, I have no idea why I've set this up! I have nothing really interesting to say about anything. I have no ex husbands driving me up the wall and no children to talk about, I don't even work any more so I have few stories to tell. All there is to me is Scott, my two cats and my amazing 4 year old neice (who think's she's a teenager already!) So please don't come here expecting excitement, crazy stories or well thought out political debate cos you just aint gonna find it!

To illustrate my point, here's a summary of the weekend. On Friday I went to Manchester to the Stitch & Creative Craft Show at GMEX with mum. Spent far too much but have justified it by sheer virtue of prettiness. On Saturday we got up late and did the weekly shop at Morrissons, nothing particularly exciting but I got some storage for my stickers so I could devise a new system as the old expanding file system was literally beginning to explode. I also got the new Bill Bryson book in ASDA but I'm not reading it, saving it for the plane. Sunday I did nothing really. Scott did some housework whilst I scanned a few old photos and did a bit of family tree research.

You're still here? Wow, you must really be bored huh? Well that's the kind of fascinating post you're likely to find here (except when my mother has ticked me off and I need to rant into cyberspace which will probably happen with frightening regularity.) Hope you enjoyed it!